Now is the time to plant

It’s time to get our planting faces on.

Plants in the trays, plants on the bench, plants in the greenhouse, plants growing up the fence.  Well, maybe not quite that extreme but we’ve got some planting to do.  In the greenhouse we have our lettuces, aromatics, and late winter vegetables turning out to the fields in droves.  Our push seeder is spewing out root vegetable seeds like a cowboy spitting sunflower seed shells.

Basically, HELP we’re lost in plants.   If you or your organization, group, club, or knitting circle is interested in volunteering we could certainly use your hands in the dirt.  We have volunteers out five days a week on Wednesday-Sunday to work in the fields seeding, planting, weeding, harvesting, or washing vegetables.  Check out our volunteer page here or contact us for more information. We hope to see you in the fields soon!

Hardening Shed with Crops ready to go into the fields

Hardening Shed with Crops ready to go into the fields

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