noon : Jim Vest
Jim tells us he has always had a love of music, all types as long as it was good! Listening to everything from blue grass, folk and rock and roll and now a big fan of what the critics have branded as Americana! He started playing guitar at the age of 14 but a tour in the Navy, college studies at USF, raising a family and a corporate career took away a lot of playing time. Approaching retirement age he helped start the Shady J’s acoustic band and has had the honor to play at local coffee shops with really talented people. Presently living in rural Alabama on my great grandmother’s farm, he gets to sit on my porch and play to the crowds of… well a few dogs, cats, squirrels and birds. Life is good!
1 pm Charlie Groth
Charlie has made music all around this old Planet Earth starting in 1954, with no end in sight yet. Just over a GAZILLION gigs played so far. Many songs written and recorded by Charlie and numerous others. Twenty-eight albums recorded made and countless tracks on countless others recorded. Often Charlie will have musicians he has played with for years join him on our stage – to our delight!