A quick survey of some of the world’s fermented beverages, including a chance to taste a few. This will cover how to start some easy ones at home and what basic things you will need to get started. We will also discuss our role as consumers and cultural appropriation as we share in these established cultural traditions.
Instructor Josh Rumschlag is the co-founder of Mother Kombucha, developer of many of their kombucha drinks, and a longtime fermentation guru.
We have a limit on the number of participants for this class. It will be held outdoors and social distancing and masking is required for the safety of all attendees. Thanks for your cooperation
Course size limit 15.
Course duration: 2 hrs.
Cost $25 if registered before April 18th, $30 up until April 24th. Low income: $10
April 25th 12:30-2:30PM