Peaceful Greetings,
The last couple of weeks we’ve had a surge of school-aged children taking part in our field trip program at the farm. We’ve watched these kids touching, smelling and tasting the beautiful veggies, herbs (and weeds!) that grow here. By the end of the trip, the kids have grown too. They’ve learned where good, healthy, local, organic food comes from and how it helps us all. They have planted seeds, harvested a salad, soaked up information on composting, and enjoyed being a “farmer for a day”. Your continued support of our farm brings the necessary funds to continue these important programs. Join us for our first Farm to Table Supper on the 11th of this month and enjoy a wonderful meal while helping to further our outreach and educational opportunities.
We are getting really close to saying good bye to one of our long time growing site, the Bern’s Steak House farm. We still plan to harvest one more week’s worth of Daikon Radish, two week’s of carrots and some beets. We have enjoyed our time growing on such fertile organic soil for these past years and thank the folks at Bern’s for this unique opportunity.
The harvest at the new farm continues, this week we will harvest some nice looking lettuce and continue to harvest radishes and some mizuna from the Children’s Home farm. Get ready for some tasty salads!
Last week our neighbor shared some pickled Daikon Radish with the farm crew, it was delicious and a great example of how to preserve excess share items. There are many recipes on line, this week we will harvest the roots without the greens.
Also, the broccoli and cabbage are beginning to be ready this week. It has taken a while due to this mild winter but they are looking and tasting great. My little farm girls give their approval! We expect more to come in the following weeks.
The later start on the harvest is just a reminder of how susceptible our food production is to the weather patterns. Every season holds new surprises, let’s embrace them, happy seasonal eating!